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Tools: Scanner, Adobe Illustrator

  1. Start your artwork on a large format to start with.  If it is an existing drawing that is small you can enlarge the image with a photocopy machine.
  2. For the final line-art you want to take tracing paper and use pen or sharpies.   This will produce nice crisp lines.  If there are minor mistakes we can fix this in Illustrator provided there isn’t too much adjusting that needs to be done.
  3. Scan your nice clean ink work at 300 dpi.
  4. Open a new document in Illustrator. Go to File > Place and select your scanned document. Resize the image to fit inside the document edges.
  5. Go to “Object” in the top menu and select “Image Trace.”  This will turn your artwork into a vector format.
  6. Ungroup the modified artwork.  Delete the background.  Group sections of the art together (pants, shirt, etc.) and apply basic colors.
  7. You now have scalable vector art of your drawing.  You can now either make your stickers or pull it into other art programs for further adjustments.